1. A truly free human being can hold no concept of freedom.

2. God is a human creation. Humanity bows down and worships its own creation in the inverted world of all religion.

3. A society containing cruelty – regardless of its form – remains a society of the enslaved.

4. Any society mediated by fear can never be a society of free men and women. How can human beings move from the enslavement and fear of the global capital system onto the path of the globally evolving ‘true realm of freedom’ within which such a mediation has passed or is in process of its disappearance? The deepening and intensification of human freedom is identical with the unfolding disappearance of this mediation.

5. What has fundamentally changed in the human personality since the time of Christ over 2000 years ago? And why? Christ would recognise the human personality of first century Palestine in the people of the twenty-first century today. This merely reveals the profound social and psychological depth of revolutionary change which will be required in the coming ‘Second Human Revolution’. It will not be simply a break with the epoch of capital but rather with the full history and complete legacy of the history of private property as a whole in its many forms. This is what now confronts humanity. This utter  transformation of society and humanity on every level in the process or barbarism followed by annihilation.

6. The pursuit of pleasure and the mind’s relationship with this pursuit is a behavioural and psychological manifestation of pain (Weltschmerz) mediating the human personality. Where this psychic pain ends, so does this pursuit. In the ages to come beyond the global capital order, this negation in the human psyche will be intrinsic to the psychological revolution in humanity.

7. The capital system of commodity production and exchange cannot endure. It is unsustainable. Either humanity will abolish this system and save itself and Nature as whole or this system will abolish humanity, itself as a system in the process and leave behind a wasteland on Earth.


………..(plus venire)


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